


  • ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements are made over the P.A. system at 8:45 each day. Any announcements to be made should be handed in to the office before 8:40.
  • CHAPELS/ASSEMBLIES: Elementary and High School chapels are held weekly. Students should bring their Bibles to chapel each week.
  • EMERGENCY/FIRE DRILL PROCEDURES: Fire drills are held about 6 times per year. The evacuation route for each classroom is posted just inside the classroom door. In the event of an emergency or a drill, all occupants of the building are to follow the prescribed evacuation procedure quickly and silently.
  • HOURS OF OPERATION: OKCS begins classes at 8:45 am with a warning bell at 8:44. Dismissal time is 3:16 pm. Noon break is from 11:46 - 12:26.  Only students involved in extra-curricular activities are permitted to remain at school following dismissal. 
  • BUSES: Families involved in busing should refer to the inclement weather.
  • SCHOOL SUPPLIES: A supply list is provided on the website at the beginning of each year. Please clearly label school supplies with the student's name.
  • OKCS Newsletter: A newsletter is published weekly. Announcements must be emailed to the secretary no later than 10:30 am of each Friday.  The newsletter is published the first Thursday of each month.



An awards presentation will be held on the last day of school. The following awards will be given:

  • Academic Awards
  • Governor-General Award - highest average in subjects that are taken for credit in Grades 11 and 12
  • Athletic Awards - top male and female athletes
  • Scripture Memory - all memory work done
  • Scripture Mastery - all memory work recited again in June
  • Huber Memorial Award - voted on by staff and students
  • Subject Awards
    • Music
    • Foods/Fashion
    • Drama
    • Art                                                       

COURSE OFFERINGS - Grade 7-8 core subjects are offered on a full year basis. Grades 10-12 core subjects are offered on a semester basis as well as some electives for Grades 10/11/12.

Physics 20 and 30 are offered on alternate years with Chemistry 20 and 30, as well as Math 20-1/30-1 and Math 20-2/Math 30-2. 

A deadline is set at the beginning of each semester after which courses may not be added or dropped. This date allows at least a full week of classes before the deadline.


The OKCS graduation requirements reflect the minimum requirements from Alberta Education for an Alberta High School Diploma. In order to earn an Alberta High School Diploma through OKCS, a student must successfully complete 100 credits of the following courses and levels:

  • English 10, 20, 30  (5 credits each)
  • Social Studies 10, 20, 30 (5 credits each)
  • Math 10, 20 (5 credits each)
  • Science 10 or 14 (5 credits)
  • Biology 20 or Chemistry 20 or Physics 20 (5) 
  • Physical Education 10 (3)
  • Career and Life Management  (3)
  • 10 credits from CTS, Fine Arts or Second Languages 10

10 credits in Grade 12 subjects in addition to English 30 and Social Studies 30

HONOUR ROLL - Students in grades 7-9 who attain a yearly average of 85% in the academic subjects, with no mark below 80%; students in grades 10-12 who attain a yearly average of 80%, in the academic subjects, with no mark below 75%, are placed on the Honour Roll. 

JUNIOR HIGH OPTIONS - Junior High Options provides students with opportunities to discover and learn about various areas of interest. 

PROBATION (ACADEMIC) - A student who has a failing grade or missing assignments in any subject will be placed on academic probation, resulting in removal from extra-curricular activities until the grade has improved and assignments have been turned in. He/she may remain on probation the remainder of the semester.


SCHOLARSHIPS - Several scholarships are available to graduating OKCS students. They include:

  • The Huber Memorial Scholarship - $500 accompanying the High School Citizenship Award.
  • Rutherford Scholarships - awarded to students enrolled in a post-secondary institution or apprenticeship for each year of high school in which an 75% average was achieved. 
  • OKCS also offers multiple scholarships up to $500.  Applications must be received by May 31.

A variety of other scholarships are available. Information may be obtained from the Guidance Counselor.

TEXTBOOKS - All textbooks are provided by OKCS. Proper care should be taken of these books. Should they be damaged beyond what is reasonable, the student will be charged for the damages. 


ABSENTEE POLICY: When a student is absent from school, a note, email, or a phone call from a parent is required. Should the total number of absences reach 10% of the total number of days, high school credits may be withheld for the course. Special arrangements should be made for extended leave.

BUS CONDUCT: Riders should be at their stop 5 minutes before the scheduled bus time.
- OKCS students who ride the bus are expected to behave in a manner becoming to a Christian student. This means that our treatment of one another, our topics of conversation and the attitudes we display should be Christ-like. The bus driver is in a position of responsibility and authority. Any rider who shows disrespect or disobedience will be reported to the principal and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

CLASSROOM BEHAVIOUR: Every OKCS student is expected to show courtesy and respect at all times. All rules are to be obeyed and all assignments are to be completed on time and to the best of one's ability. A studious atmosphere should prevail during class time.

DISCIPLINE: In order to build Christian character and maintain an atmosphere in which learning and Christian discipleship can take place effectively, negative attitudes or misconduct shall be dealt with firmly and quickly. Students are responsible to understand, support, and obey all school rules, honour the student pledge in and out of school and graciously submit to correction when it is given.

DRESS EXPECTATION: Students are expected to follow the dress expectation.  

HOMEWORK:  It is expected that students in junior and senior high school will have some homework most evenings. Homework is to be completed conscientiously and on time. Incomplete assignments may receive a mark of zero. 

LIBRARY CONDUCT: The library is a STUDY AREA and is to be quiet at all times.  No food or drink is permitted.  Books and equipment are to be used responsibly.  All books are to be returned on time.  

RESTRICTED AREAS: The following areas are out of bounds for students, except by permission: offices, staff rooms, kitchen, storage rooms, art supply room, mechanical rooms, music room and instruments as well as teachers' desks and chairs.

SCRIPTURE MEMORY: OKCS requires each student to memorize a prescribed passage of Scripture each month. It must be recited with no more than 3 minor errors or prompts to a staff member by the end of each month. Scripture memory shall be included as a part of the Bible grade. Completion of Scripture memory is a requirement for continued enrolment at OKCS.

SHOES: Students must make certain that the shoes they wear in the school building are clean and that they do not make black marks on the gym floor or tiled floors of the school.

SIGNING OUT: All students who leave the school grounds during school hours must sign out at the office. Signing out requires a note or a phone call from a parent or the parent may sign out the student in person. Students who return to school the same day must sign in at the office to inform us that they have returned.

STUDENT PLEDGE: At the beginning of the year, each student in Grades 7-12 is asked to consider carefully and sign the Student Pledge 2023 2024.doc. If a student is unable to sign the pledge honestly, he/she should question whether OKCS is the right school for him/her. Deliberate breaking of the pledge will result in disciplinary action.

STUDY HALLS: Students who do not have a scheduled class must use the period as a study hall. Study halls are held in the library or in a classroom under a teacher's supervision. Study halls are to be used for homework or study purposes only. 

SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS: Substitute teachers are in the same position of authority as regular teachers and shall be given the same degree of respect and consideration. Disrespect shown to a substitute teacher shall be a matter for disciplinary action.

VEHICLES AND PARKING: Students may bring vehicles to school with parents' permission. Vehicles should be parked in the high school parking lot. Students may not sit in or operate vehicles during school hours without permission. Student drivers are to enter and exit using the south driveway and to drive slowly and cautiously at all times on the school property.


CAREER COUNSELLING: Students who have questions regarding post-secondary education or employment should contact Career Resource person

COMPUTER USE: Chromebooks may be used by students outside of class time with the permission of that classroom teacher. Chromebooks are to be used carefully and responsibly. No food or drinks are permitted while using Chromebooks.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Extra-curricular activities available to students include volleyball, basketball, badminton, track and field, student leadership, yearbook committee, musical ensembles, worship teams, drama, Mexico mission, Samaritan's Purse Shoeboxes and other ministry opportunities. Students are encouraged to participate.

HOT LUNCHES: Hot lunches are provided as a fundraiser most Thursday.  Hot Lunch must be ordered in advance through Online Payments

LOST AND FOUND: A lost and found container is maintained in the elementary school link for items that may have been lost by students. Students may search for lost items in this container at any time. The Lost and Found will be emptied regularly and the items donated to the local thrift store.

LOCKERS AND PERSONAL BELONGINGS: Each student is assigned a locker for his/her personal belongings. Locks are provided at the office with a $10 refundable deposit.  Personal belongings - books, clothing, etc. - should be labelled clearly with the student's name. Personal belongings may be left in a closed bag on top of the lockers. Tape should not be used inside lockers. Pictures and posters should follow the principle laid down in Philippians 4:8.

MEDICATIONS: CESD Medication Policy

NOON HOUR GYM USE: A supervised gym schedule is provided for Junior and Senior High students.

PHOTOCOPIER USE: Students may use the photocopier with permission of a teacher.

STUDENT LEADERSHIP TEAM: The student leadership team is chosen by the student body from among the Grades 9-12 students. 

TELEPHONE/CELL PHONE USE: The telephone for student use is located outside the main office. No other phone in any building may be used by students without special permission. Students must obtain a telephone permission slip signed by their homeroom teacher to use the phone. Personal cell phones are not allowed during the school day. Healthy Technology Use

VENDING MACHINES: The candy machine is for the use of Junior/Senior High students during breaks, lunch hour, and after school. Funds are used by the Student Leadership Team for student activities and projects.