Morning Warning Bell: 8:44
Morning Recess: 10:16-10:34
Lunch Recess: 11:52-12:30
Afternoon Recess: 14 minutes in the afternoon
Dismissal: 3:16
Morning Warning Bell: 8:44
Morning Recess: 10:16-10:34
Lunch Recess: 11:52-12:30
Afternoon Recess: 14 minutes in the afternoon
Dismissal: 3:16
Morning Warning Bell: 8:44
Morning Break: 10:22-10:27
Lunch: 11:49-12:27
Afternoon Break: 1:49-1:54
Dismissal: 3:16
Please report an absence by calling 403-556-4038, or emailing before 9AM, if possible.
Home of The Royals.