Exam Schedule

Exam Schedule

Exam Calendar  for January 2025 has now been posted! The Last Day of Classes is January 22. Exam week is from January 22-29. Semester Break is January 30 & 31 and there is no school those days.  Study Hard!









Social 30 Dip- Part A - 











Social 30 Dip- Part B






Last Day of Classes

English 10 Part A 12:30pm start



Science 9 PAT

English 20 Part A Final

Chem 30 - Diploma 



English 20 Part B Final 


Social 9 PAT

English 10 Part B 

Biology 20/Physics 30

Math 20-2



MATH 10C/10-3/20-3




Physics 20



Open to Gr 11 Students- Not re-cert

$20- 18 spots





Last Day of Semester 




Semester Break- Organizational Day

NO Students




Non- Instructional Day

School closed


OKCS Expectations and Regulations for Final Exams


GRADE 9 specific:


  • Grade 9’s will stay after their Science 9 PAT. 
  • They will have PE class as a break in the gym and then have a Social 9 Review period .


  • After the Social 9 PAT students are welcome to be picked up by a parent. 
  • Any arrangements to go home with a friend must be communicated by the student's parents to the office. Students are required to be signed out by the adult picking them up.


  1. Students in Grade 10 -12 need only attend school for scheduled exams after the last day of class. Teachers are available this week to offer tutorial sessions and provide individual help.
  2. Students in Grade 10-12 may leave the school when they have completed the exam.  To limit distractions during exams we ask that students stay out of the hallways at any time while exams are being written.
  3. Students not in attendance for their final and mid-term exams may receive a grade of zero.  
  4. Students are not permitted to talk, whisper, or communicate non-verbally during exams. 
  5. Course materials (ie. Texts, review booklets, etc.), will be returned to the classroom teacher prior to beginning the exam.  
  6. Students are requested to be in the exam room 15 minutes before exams begin (20 minutes when writing on computer).  
  7. Students may bring bottled water if they desire and a quiet snack. 
  8. All digital devices, other than approved calculators, must be stored in a teacher designated area. 
  9. Exams for courses not listed in this schedule may be written in class.

Study Tips for Exams

Here are some tips to help get ready for finals: 

Passive Strategies (good; use sparingly):

  • Read the chapters in your text
  • Reread your notes
  • Highlight notes
  • Read study guide
  • Rewrite your notes
  • Watch youtube vidoes from slides

Active Strategies (better):

  • Make a study guide
  • Make flashcards/quizlet
  • Make concept maps
  • Organize notes
  • Make a study group with one or more people.

Active Strategies with Feedback (best!):

  • Quiz myself with quizlet
  • Dop recap questions in the unit
  • Have someone else quiz me
  • Meet 1:1 with teacher (make appointment)

If your child needs help creating a study plan, please have them connect with their teacher or our Student Support Teacher, Mrs. Dennis.