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Bonnie Hougestol

Grade 8, Science 7 & Social 7
Phone: 403-556-4038
Key Roles
BACKGROUND: Born and raised in the Niger Republic and Nigeria, West Africa
- Married to Brent - May 1987
- We have three children who have recently flown the coop = empty nesters :-(
EDUCATION: BRE Degree - BBC, Early Childhood Diploma - RDC, BEd Degree - U of C; life
- taught overseas for two years;
- multiple years subbing in CESD;
- teaching full time at OKCS since 2001
- spending time with my family and friends
- working with my students and helping them discover success
- holidays
- reading many different genres of books
- enjoying the beauty of God's creation in many different locations, throughout different times of the day and during a variety of seasons.
- going for walks
- TV shows - all types of crime series; documentaries - such as Daily Planet, How It's Made, Mythbusters, (to name a few)
- research and continuing to learn
- photography and writing
- taking my fish for a walk :-)
QUOTES - Carpe Aeternateum - seize eternity, why settle for a day.
"We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do by finding out what will not do; and probably the person who has never made a mistake has never made a discovery." - Samuel Smiles