Chantal DayMiko

Family Wellness Worker
Phone: 403-556-4038
I grew up in the local area and am proud to say I graduated from OKCS many years ago. I love building relationships with students and families who attend our school!
From the time I was 15, I knew I wanted to be a Family School Wellness Worker. Upon graduation, I completed 1 year of Bible College, followed by a Diploma in Child and Youth Care Counseling, which then led to a Bachelor of Social Work.
I am married with two young children, so I know the challenges of raising a family in this fast paced world, as well as, the need to depend on the Lord daily for his strength.
In 2010, I was hired by CESD as a Wellness Worker. This is my 5th school and each location has taught me more about how to do this job well. At OKCS I absolutely love the opportunity to pray with students!
The Family School Wellness Program is free, short term and voluntary. My role is to support students who are struggling at school with feeling unsafe or unable to focus due to life events. I am able to meet with students once and then provide a follow-up check in before needing to complete consent from parents. This takes away any immediate barriers if a student is feeling in crisis or wanting to talk right away. The program is also designed to connect families with resources in the community. Please reach out if you or your child would like more information or support.